Why Concierge?
Save Time
- Local, trusted Pros are vetted to care for your home.
- Necessary quotes are obtained and managed for you.
- Your home is organized with our Digital Home Hub.
Save Money
- Receive exclusive offers from our curated list of Pros.
- Rest assured that each job will be completed at a fair price.
Worry Less
- Receive priority service on every home project.
- We have your home’s back with seasonal reminders and recurring maintenance alerts.
Dad and business owner
business owner
Chief Executive officer
Concierge Package
Our pricing for the comprehensive Concierge service is extremely straightforward. It’s simply $1750/year. What does that get you? A lot.
Access to Vetted Pros and Exclusive Offers
Initial Home Visit and a Dedicated Concierge
Priority Service and Preferred Pricing
Digital Home Hub
Frequently Asked Questions
The $1750 annual fee covers your membership to Neighbor Serve, which gets you access to unique and extremely valuable offers which often times can offset the cost of a concierge membership. It also covers your dedicated Concierge’s time and effort to create the plan for your home, collect and manage quotes for you, and more. However, the services themselves are billed separately and directly from the Pro doing the work.
For the annual fee, you’ll pay Neighbor Serve directly. For all work performed on your home, the curated Pro will work directly with you to arrange payment.
Part of the fee for the Concierge service is that the Concierge can handle collecting and presenting the quotes to you directly. So, no need for you to be there unless access to the inside of the house is necessary. Even then, your Concierge will handle asking the right questions and helping to get you the best service for the best price for whatever work needs to be done.
We aren’t here to get in the way and encourage you to keep the Pros that you have had a great experience with. We only match you with Preferred Pros in categories that you deem necessary!